(02-09-05)It isn't the end
There will be a new comic. James will make it over to there. I doubt it'll be along the same vein as Security's Finest, maybe a journal comic. We'll see. Thanks for reading and thanks to all of those who stuck around for the bad and the good. My life has been enriched in more ways than you can imagine.
posted by Rx King at 05:00am EST

(01-11-05)No, I Can't
I just won't let it happen. I can't stop the comic, that's just too horrible. This is for the fans and for myself: THE COMIC WILL RETURN. I can't say when exactly, but I'll be able to get some templates done next week and hopefully have an idea for a real date for the return of Security's Finest.
posted by Rx King at 03:00am EST

(01-03-05)This Might Be It
I don't want to quit the comic, but things at DEN are taking up a lot of my time. It's nice doing the comic and getting the satisfaction that comes from doing something totally myself that people enjoy, but it's just not as rewarding as DEN. Also, since it's been so long since I ran the comic, it's not like anyone still remembers, enjoys, and/or looks forward to it returning(except maybe a few friends). Sorry guys, I don't want to say this is the end but it just may be. I'll let you know when and if it will, not like Keenspace will be deleting this page or anything.
posted by Rx King at 01:00am EST

(12-10-04)Good News!
Things have begun to die down on the Xmas push for games at DEN, so I can give you guys a definite date for the comics return. Januray 3rd shall be that date, and it shall go down in books and stuff as being important, and we shall place those books in red sacks for all to love. And these sacks shall be thick in velvet and other plush materials that only a fine person of taste like yourself could enjoy. Ok, I'll stop.

Anywho, when the comic comes back I'll have redesigned the way the strip will look. Basically, I need a better and more faster way to pump these comics out, and I really don't want to resort to templates. So I may have to simplify things, but if you're the kind of person who hates surprises and is curious as to how this new style shall look, then I dare you to keep an eye on the forum. Very soon shall I produce beginning sketches for what the characters shall look like. Also, expect a return to a more conventional security role for James, as I don't think the Renassaince Faire setup is cutting it anymore. I don't plan on eliminating Larry though, that guy is too damn lovable. Also, he said he'd kill me with a buck knife for being a "country-hatin' pussy" if I got rid of him. I kind of value my life, how about all of you?

So in summation, keep an eye on the forum for the new look of James, Jamal, and the rest of the gang of Security's Finest! Thanks for being patient and sticking with me guys!
posted by Rx King at 05:00am EST

(12-01-04)I'm a Jerk
The title says it all. I'm honestly upset I had to leave the comic in such a hurry without word, but the fact is I've been working on over 4 titles a week at DEN, since the holidays are a big push for gaming. Something had to give and with this gaming thing I have a foot in the door with the industry, something I can be very proud to tell people. Sure, the comic made me proud but I don't have the skill in comics as I do with writing and games. Judge for yourself, pop over there and take a look at all the reviews and the Holiday Guide for 2004(I did Racing Games) and tell me I'm lying. Don't think I never will return to the comic, I very much plan to. After the holidays things will die down again for a bit until the March/April push(which is very small compared to the Xmas push) and I'll be able to return to comics. Until then, hang in the forums or join the ones over at DEN! I'm in there daily and you can also talk with some new friends, about games, movies, whatever. Thanks for the continued support from those that have emailed me or talked with me on AIM and MSN, I hate to be cheesey but you guys have really been the anchor that keeps me from floating away. Stay tuned, I think I can find time every now and then to blog.
posted by Rx King at 05:57am EST

(11-02-04)Status Update
Heya guys, just thouoght I'd chime in and give you the info on what's going down at the Hinkle Palace. I've been working hard trying to get these games done, and I can say I'll be able to swing back into normal comicry come Monday. You can expect a Halo 2-themed week though most likely, as I'm sure it'll be on the brain. Speaking of comics, do me a favor and check out my main man Kevin's comic Crossroads Comics. It's a great strip centered around a retail worker and has found a big place in my heart. Give him some love people.

Doing all this stuff for DEN makes me feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I get to put my creative take on digital media and to tell you the truth, besides cartooning, that has probably been my biggest dream growing up. Well, maybe - I did think about hookers and blow a lot.
posted by Rx King at 01:57am EST

(10-29-04)Broken Silence
First, let me apologize for the lack of comic on Wednesday and the lack of warning. Lotta work for DEN, not to mention San Andreas, basically made me lack the motivational energy to cut away from those things long enough to do a comic. This leads me sadly to some bad news. I have to take today and the next week off from the comic. The fact of the matter is I have about 7 games I'm working on for DEN right now, and the comic has to take a back seat. Sucks for me to say that, but thems the breaks.

Now I know what you're thinking is "Dave, it can't be that hard to just play some games and write a review of em." That, in fact is very wrong. I won't go into the legistics of it all, but suffice to say it's hard work. PIMP

Well, that's about it - sorry for crapping out from Wednesday on and I hope you guys can find a way to forgive me. Preferrably non-financial.
posted by Rx King at 12:07am EST

(10-26-04)Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto
posted by Rx King at 02:07am EST

(10-25-04)So We Win Again
Eagles screeched out another win, albeit a close one Football consumed my weekend pretty much, as it began with some Goldschlager and pizza over a friend's while we went away with Madden online. It wasn't the best ngiht, so we set to fix it on Saturday, where we had some Jaeger and came out with a better night overall. Sunday of course was the REAL games, and the Eags came out a lot better than we did.

In other news, the long-awaited new Grand Theft Auto comes out, and you can expect at least one comic about it this week. I've got some time off, so you can bet I'll be snuggling up to that(totally gay). Tune into this spot early in the morning for le comic.

Last, but not least, you may have noticed a lil comic by yours truely over at No 4th. I just want to say welcome to all those who are making there way from over there, and feel free to vote or post in the forums.
posted by Rx King at 02:07am EST

(10-22-04)Seems Things are Alright Again
Well my internet came back on last night. I'm really sorry about all that jabberwhocky, I really wanted to make it through at least one year before missing an update. Seems fate didn't want to allow that, so what can I do eh? Don't expect any Han and Chee action Friday though, as I did some sketches during the downtime I think you guys might enjoy. Of course if anyone objects you're free to email me at my usual spot(secfinest@gmail.com). I think I'll add some more to the blog later when I have more to say, as right now I'm putting the finishing touches on a review for DEN.
posted by Rx King at 03:07am EST

(10-20-04)Please God Don't Let my Asthma be Back
[EDITX3]Jesus, this is the worst day in my life. I get home from my shift to find that my internet is non existent at the moment. So I shut down my PC, and reboot my router and modem - nothing. So I call them up and they do nothing. They offer to have a tech come out on Friday. I've tried that before and it has done nothing in the past. So sadly, I have to update the blog here from a friend's house meaning I can't post a comic or even a sketch for you all. I apologize from the bottom of my heart and hope you all don't think this will become a trend because I can guarentee it won't. Thanks for the support![/EDITX3]

[EDITX2]The day is winding down here guys and I am dead tired. I will try my best to post something, but I doubt it will be a comic. Regardless, I apologize for this mixup. Sometimes work is out of my control and being good friends with the boss doesn't help when she is asking me to work some extra hours for her. Hopefully you guys can forgive me. Expect an honest-to-God comic on Friday.[/EDITX2]

[EDIT]Sometimes I really hate my job. A coworker called off for this morning 15 minutes before her shift starts, so I am going to stay and cover it, meaning I won't be home until 2:30PM(EST) this afternoon. Either I can wait and do the comic when I get home(meaning it won't be posted until 5 o'clock or so) or I can do a copy paste comic. I'm at a loss right now.[/EDIT]

When I was younger, I had seasonal asthma. This wasn't too much of a problem, only made it hard to run and caused me to wheeze on almost a daily basis. Well, that throat thing has pretty much evolved into a giant wheeze I can feel in my lungs. Coughing gives me a very miniscule amount of immediate relief, almost immediately afterward the wheeze comes back. Why I'm bringing this up, I have no idea. I think I feel like I don't blog enough for you guys. Maybe I'm just depressed a tad because we were in the 30's at TWC and now we dropped to around 41. I don't know, maybe I'm just irritable because of my throat.

In webcomic news, Bigger Than Cheeses is on hiatus. I'm not sure exactly what caused it other than one guy pissing Gooni off, but I'll be anxiously awaiting its return. It's one of my favorite comics and lord knows what I'll do to fill that hole in my little black heart. Regardless, I wish Gooni a good vacation and anxiously await his return. I guess that's about it for today, see you guys on Friday!
posted by Rx King at 02:54am EST

(10-18-04)My Throat is Sore
It really is, and I have no idea why. I was sick just a little while ago, no way I can be sick again. As if that wasn't enough for me, I'm working an odd shift today(6am-2pm) at work, and it will most likely screw up my sleeping schedule. I had a pretty good weekend, and it was a good weekend for our Birds. Other than that I really don't have much to contribute or comment on except for a few games I got this weekend. Mortal Kombat: Deception, Paper Mario 2, and Katamari Damacy. All 3 titles are good, but you all can wait to see what I have to say about them at DEN.

P.S. Please vote? Thanks!
posted by Rx King at 12:40am EST

(10-15-04)2 Hours is Not Enough
[EDIT]Hey guys, sorry to do this, but I'll be publishing the next comic a tad late today(around 1pm EST). I'm so friggin' tired I'm falling asleep in the chair here at work. Lord knows how I'm going to stay awake for the drive home. but if I want that bed's sweet sweet embrace, I'd better do all I can. Sorry about this guys, but I need this or I'll end up screwing something up with the comic. If you're so inclined, new Han & Chee's are up, so just give the TWC and Buzz buttons there a click and you can check them out by voting for me. While waiting for today's comic, check out the newest member of my link exchange Joypad Comics. They've been around for quite a while and have some great reads in their archives, I'm proud to exchange links with them![/EDIT]

A word of advice to all you readers out there: never try to go to work on 2 hours of sleep, it's hell. Man I feel like I've been beaten over the head with a sack of oranges and punched in the gut a few times for good measure. Life is not at all cool right now.

Silver lining? Security's Finest is ranked number 37 right now! Well, if we could keep at it, that'd be great! Just remember, if we can hold in the thirties until Thursday then you guys get a wallpaper. If we can climb into the twenties and hold for a week then you guys get 5 comics the next week, plus the wallpaper. Get into the top ten and hold for a week, then you guys get 5 comics, Han & Chee, and two desktops. So, what do you guys want?
posted by Rx King at 12:40am EST

(10-14-04)I Have the Best Readers!
Right now Security's Finest is ranked number 39 at TWC! I remember the promise and will hold to my word, but I know we can go higher! I am so excited I can barely keep my hands from shaking as I type. Keep us on the climb!

In site news, I redid the About Me page, so go check it out and you can see my ugly mug! :P
posted by Rx King at 12:40am EST

(10-13-04)Campaignin' for Top Placement
New comic is up, you might feel the need to vote for it, if you're so inclined.

Ok, let's get down to brass tax. Or is it brass tacks? Beats me, but nonetheless we have some important cards to lay on the table. If you've voted(which now would be a good time in case you forgot), then you might notice Security's Finest is ranked number 43 on TWC. Now, that's pretty darn high, but I know we can make it higher. So here's an idea: if Security's Finest can break into the thirties in rank at TWC, and hold it for a week, then I'll do a wallpaper for everyone. If we manage to get into the twenties, then I will do a wallpaper and also update 5 times the following week. Now if we manage to shoot into the top ten, I will do two wallpapers, update 5 times a week the following week, and also update Han & Chee 5 times for the following week. So, get crackin'!!

Now that I have that out of the way, why not jump in the forum and discuss these new developments, or even pitch a few wallpaper ideas. Who knows, you might even get your idea made! Ok, I've got some games to play for DEN, so I better go to it. Thank you to everyone for making Security's Finest such a pleasure to do.
posted by Rx King at 08:40am EST

(10-11-04)Out of the darkness
Wow, been a few days since I filled some space here. I was planning on typing a big blog last night at work, but the network was down so I couldn't access the page at all. Well, outta my hands, ya know?

So now the story is going to REALLY pick up. James has a date. Now you know someone has to be especially crazy to go out on a date with James, or maybe this girl is in for the shock of a lifetime. Only time will tell. In the meantime, help yourself to some new Han & Chee's by voting at Buzz and TWC right thar! Much obliged Professor Plum!

So, guess that's about it. We have a ton of good games hitting this month, and only one month away from Halo 2. Lord knows how I'll find time for the comic that week(or maybe month).
posted by Rx King at 08:40am EST

(10-08-04)TWC is down!
What the crap?! Until TWC is back up, I'm not going to update Han & Chee. Who knows, maybe I'll put up my latest sketch instead(one I'm quite proud of). More bloggage later when I get home.
posted by Rx King at 02:40am EST

Sorry for the copy/paste, but I had to work an extra shift yesterday and guess what? I'm working another today! Fun! Anywho, I don't really have much to say so: be an awesome person and vote? Also, I heard forums are pretty cool.
posted by Rx King at 12:20am EST

(10-05-04)New Month(still)
Voting has been known to slow the signs of aging in both men and women! For real, a doctor told me that. A REAL doctor, not the kind on T.V. Unless they're a real doctor with an acting job on the side and they portray a real doctor on...waitaminute, I'm getting ahead of myself here. So, James is in the hospital(who'da thunk it'd take this long for him to do something foolish), and we are introduced to a new character, the ole Doc! Sorry about the strip going up so late(about 10am EST), but hopefully you all liked it nonetheless. I think I'm going to be staying on this type of schedule(get home, do comic the day it should be up, posting it around 10am EST). Since I get home from work at 7:30am, it just makes it easier than getting up early for work and mustering the energy to do it then. Plus, that way also runs the risk of me not finishing the comic before I go to work, making me have to do it after work anyway. If there're too many problems with this adjustment, just email me(click the blog title - that orange date and name up there) and let me know. If enough people aren't in support of it I'll do it the old way.
posted by Rx King at 12:00am EST

(10-03-04)New Month
First let me apologize for the lack of new incentive Han & Chee comics, but my sickness knew or cared nothing about obligations. I barely was able to draw a comic I was so sick. I'll make up for it today though, with a trust update for the comic, and for Han & Chee. Oh, since it's a new month, could you guys do me a solid?. Thanks a million!
posted by Rx King at 12:00am EST