So, you want to know a bit about me. Well, my name is David Hinkle and I grew up in Southwest Philadelphia, born on January the 18th at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital. According to my mother I was the easiest birth of us 3 children she bore, which pretty much explains my attitude.

That would be me there.

I'm pretty enthusiastic, eager to get my hands on whatever my interests are. I've been an avid guitar player for about 8 or 9 years, and a video game junkie my entire life. I am a staff writer for a kickass gamign site called Digital Entertainment News. As of right now I actually am a security guard, working the night shift for a computer company, also taking classes toward a Networking degree at my local community college.

As far as the comic strip here, it began in July of 2003 as a pretty crappy black and white strip. I don't pretend to know how to use Photoshop especially well, but compared to back then I consider myself Michaelangelo now.

Can you believe I put this on the internet?!

So as you can see, the comic and my skills with a pen have come along a bit better than that. Although I need a ton more skills with Photoshop, I think me and you can say it's a bit better. Hosted by Keenspace, the comic took a short hiatus from the end of April until the beginning of August while I sorted some personal things out. When I came back to it I made a vow to try my hardest and put 110% into this, so I procured a place for a forum, enlisted on the two biggest Webcomic ranking sites, and started advertising on bigger sites.

Today, I'm happy to say I have a healthy supply of readers(about 300% more than when I launched), a great fanbase and forum community, and a sort of satisfaction I can imagine only volunteers at children's hospitals feel(ok maybe not exactly but you know what I mean).

This site is © David P. Hinkle, as well as all images and characters. Stealing any of these means your life is forfeit and I may do with you as I please. This site is hosted by Keenspace, a site automation and hosting service for webcomics.